
Three Ways Substance Abuse and Addiction Affect Families

Three Ways Substance Abuse and Addiction Affect Families

We are fortunate to be living in a time in which substance abuse and addiction no longer carry quite the taboo they once did. Families, individuals, workplaces, and medical providers recognize the need to be honest and open about the very-common struggle of addiction in the United States. Almost 20 million Americans age 12 and

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4 Ways Addiction Affects Quality of Life

4 Ways Addiction Affects Quality of Life

Anyone who has experienced the power of addiction knows how deeply it impacts every area of life. Addiction destroys the quality of life for everyone within its grasp. From personal relationships to job security to finances and health, substance abuse leaves its mark everywhere. And the influence of addiction reaches far beyond the person experiencing

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How to Beat Your Addiction With An Alcohol Counselor at Fair Park Counseling in Tupelo MS

How to Beat Your Addiction with an Alcohol Counselor

When people think of addiction treatment and therapy, inpatient rehab is usually the first thing that comes to mind. As critical as inpatient treatment for alcoholism and addiction is, it’s only a starting point. Sustainable recovery requires ongoing work with an alcohol counselor. This expert will support you in your journey to health and wellness.

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Man getting a substance abuse assessment | Substance Abuse Assessments by Fair Park Counseling in Tupelo MS, Birmingham AL, and Huntsville AL

What Is a Substance Abuse Assessment and How Will It Help Me?

One of the questions we hear a lot from new clients when they call Fair Park Counseling is : “What Is A Substance Abuse Assessment and How Will It Help Me?” My goal with this article is to help you understand what a Substance Abuse Assessment is and how it can and will help you.

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7 Tips: How To Maintain Sobriety During the Holiday Season

As the holidays approach, are you making a list and checking it twice? This time of year brings endless to-dos: concerts, parties, shopping, mailing packages, and more. It can become overwhelming very quickly. And if you are in recovery for addiction, figuring out how to maintain sobriety during these months is tricky. If you feel

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How Long Does it Take To Get Sober After Relapsing During the Holidays?

A large number of people find themselves experiencing a relapse over the holiday season. Has the hectic nature of the season created a perfect storm of triggers for you? If you started drinking again worry not. Wondering how long does it take to get sober again after a relapse is a normal thing. This situation

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